Welcome to the sanatorium
- Welcome, colleague. As you can see, here is a living area, where our patients can have their activities at will. Each of them has its particularities and needs special care. In a few days, I’m sure you’ll notice they have habits. Do you see that one walking? Every hour she passes through the same place, it never fails. If you look closely, you will notice that she is incredibly punctual, as much as some of us adjust our watches according to this movement. Curious, isn’t it? According to our studies, it must be a type of obsessive compulsive disorder combined with this woman’s other psychological problems. Some patients have extremely beneficial habits and make the most of our structures. Two of them are very athletic and can be found most often on the courts or in the green areas. In our discussions, some theories suggest that they have Peter Pan syndrome and think they are still young and need to spend a lot of energy. Obviously, the physical part cannot deceive as much as a psychological part, and obviously they look as they really are: middle-aged men. There are countless curious cases here. For example, the one in the kitchen. He loves to put apples and other fruits in the salad. An eccentricity disguised as sophistication. You may have seen some big guys here. Poor guys, they think they’re cops. Here in this peaceful place there are all kinds of patients. Some very educated, able to talk about the most diverse and complex subjects. In some cases, they also have several degrees. Which makes perfect sense, after all, they are crazy, they are not stupid. You will find that all people are kind, however, a little confused. Some gossip people often call them barmy, but I think that term is abhorrent. Either way, you will love working here.
- Work? Oh, that’s great, I think you’ll love it, really. But … You still haven’t told me what your name is.
- How rude of me! Nice to meet you, I’m Napoleon.
- Nice to meet you, Napoleon. I’m Ramses II and I can’t wait to help take care of these people in uniform. They really seem to be lost in the world.
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