The inventor of the wheel
The place was Mesopotamia and the year was approximately 3,500 B.C. I say approximately because, at that time, the Julian calendar as we know it did not yet exist. This would only be created by Julius Caesar in 45 BC, of course, at that time without the mention of “before Christ” which was only created much later, by Constantine in 325 AD. But that part of the story or my inability to more precise calculations they are not important to the events that led to the greatest invention in human history. A fertile land supplied by Tigris and Euphrates rivers, that place has attracted diverse peoples for centuries. And fertility was not just about planting, but also about ideas, since it was in that same region that the first known form of writing was created. Returning to the invention of the wheel, everything has to do with a humble farmer in a small city-state. Every day he worked hard on his wheat field with the help of his wife and children. It was difficult, but rewarding work. On...